Monday, December 13, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 2

On my way back home from work, I found a strange crimson light. It was flashing on my doorstep. When I tried to touch it, it ran away from me. It was strange then I strated to chase after it. When I finally touched it, it was just plain light. Then I heard a weird sound that was getting louder as each second passed by. It hit me. I looked above me and a enormous rocket was above my head. I started freak out and started to drive around in circles on the place where the rocket was about to land. Then I suddenly thought that I dig up a hole and hide there. So I dug a hole in the ground as fast as I could then hid in it. Afterawhile the rocket had landed. Out of no where this thing that looked like a elevator came out of the rocket and spat out a robot. I think it was a she. I hid behind the rocket and I watched her. Then the rocket's engine had started up again and it started to soar up the sky as it was exhausting gas  out of the back. I followed behind her while she was working so she could not notice me. Then my friend cockraoch went up to her. As he was getting near her she had blasted the little creep and I thought he was dead. He cam out of the hole and greeted her. I started move toward just a little bit then I stepped on a crack and she noticed. Then she started blasting me with her blaster.  I started to dodge them. Then my friend cockroach stopped her and introduced her to me. After that I started follow her. Then she got mad because her work didn't work out very well. Then she got stuck to a magnet and she exploded and started blast the magnet and the ship with her blaster. The ship was on fire and fell to the side. As it fell it knoked down the other ships. It was  like a dominoe. As the ships fell like a dominoe I stood beside her. We started introducing our names to each other and I showed her my home because of a storm that came out of nowhere. I showed her all the cool things that I had.

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