Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 3

I watched Eva(the white robot) as she stared at the lighter with curiosity. Then my hand went up to her hand but she tried to avoid it. Then I showed my plant and as she was scanning the plant, she became suprised and sucked the plant inside her body. At the same time the lights went out and the only thing flashing was the green light that was flashing on her body. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. I tried calling her again and she didn't bodge either. I spent the days with her "dead" body. One day, as I saw a rocket up in the sky. Then it had hit me. The rocket had came back for her. I drove as fast I could toward her. When I finally tried to reach her the  rocket had already taken but I still tried to chase after her by hanging on to the rocket's ladder that was on side of the rocket. It took me days to get to the base of the rocket. And I watched with amazement at the shuttle that was hanging out in the atmosphere. When I went inside the shuttle with the rocket all these robot arms were doing their jobs. I tried to save her but it was too late the other robots were taking to someplace else. I tried to chase them. When I got out of the former room a hallway appeared. It was filled with robots. I tried looking for her and I had found her and I tried cahsing her again. When I finally caught her she was in a room that had a elevator and secretery. We both went up the elevator then we landed  at the pilot's room. It was amazing then the pilot woke up and did his things and after that eh started inpect her.

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