Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 5

I was half consicious when I woke up. I found out that I was compressed into a shape of square with the garbages. Then I found out that Eva was okay and I also found that Eva and I were about to be thrown out into the space. Then the cleaning bot came to the rescue and we were saved. Eva tried to fix me but she couldn't write the right part. I told her to stop and gave her the speciemen to get it to the captain. Then she took me upstairs to the place where the plant (speciemen) has to be placed so that the ship can goback to Earth. we tried getting there and while we were going there the captain told us to go there too. Then a ton of police bots came to stop us from getting there. Then Eva tried to gfight them and the broken bots who were following us helped us fight them back. After we had beaten every one of them we got close to the place where the captain had told us to go. When we got close to the hollow detecter to place the plant the ship had shifted to right. As the ship shifted toward the right the plant went out of Eva's hand and at the same time the hollow detecter went back down. I tried to stop it with all my might. Then she tried to get it over all the people that had fallen to the side of the ship. When she was trying to find it two massive objects fell from the floor that was above the place where there were a lot of people. And because of those objects the people were about to get squished. Then Eva saved them but she had hold on to the massive objects. Afterawhile the ship had been set to the riht angle. Then the cleaning bot had found the plant and passed it ot Eva with the help of broken bots and people. Then she had placed the plant to the hollow detecter and the ship started to go back toward Earth. When we got there Eva soar through the air to my home to fix me. When she got there she replaced most of my broken parts. Then I had been rebooted but I couldn't remember anything not even her. She tried to get my memory back. Then in the end when she was about to give I had my memory regained. Everybody was back to happiness.

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