Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 4

I watched secretely as he inspected her. Then a video came up. It was about going back to earth. Then he checked to see if there was the speciemen that came positive but it wasn't there. Then he said the speciemen was missing. Then they had spotted me. I greeted the captain right away after the auto pilot and captain spotted me. Eva and I were sent to the repair room. Then they took Eva to the a seperate room and locked me in a cage that was for robots. I watched as she was getting repaired but it looked more like getting dismantled wether than getting repaired. I tried to save her but befroe I could do that I had to get out of this cage. I shot the laser and the bottom if the cage and ran into the seperate room smashing the door. I took her arm that they took apart. Then I had accidently shot at the control system of the room and all the robots that was getting controlled by that system got shut down. Then the escapees carried me and started run away. As we were running we were stopped by the police bots in the middle of the hallway. I was sent to the front of the group. I got scared. Then Eva came and took the her arm back and as she was putting it back on the police bots took a picture of me and Eva. Now we were the ones who were evil. We ran to the escape pods. She tried to send me back home but I refused. Then the door opened and we hid. A police bot with the speciemen had Come in and threw the plant into the escape pod and systemed to self destruct. Then I ran to save the plant but when I got the plant the door had closed and the escape pod and I were sent off  to the space. I tried to get out of there before the escape pod self destructed. I got out of the escape pod just in time with a fire extingusiher in my hands. I saw Eva coming to rescue me. Then we got back inside to the directive room and Eva showed him the speciemen. I climb up to the directive's room by thclibing the trash shoot. When I was almost there the speciemen had landed on my head and when everybody in the directive room saw me they were all suprised. Then Eva tried to retrieve the specimen but the police bot stopped her. Then the auto pilot had tried to get the speciemen from me. When he couldn't get it from me he shocked me. I felt my energy was getting absorbed by the auto pilot. Then Eva and I were thrown into the trash shoot and the captain was sent to his room.


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