Monday, January 17, 2011

blog post today

blog post today

"Wall-E" won't be getting a sequel treatment, insisted the animated movie's writer/director Andrew Stanton. Sharing out what he has in mind of the sequel issue, the 43-year-old filmmaker tells MTV News, "Personally, I never consider sequels. I think that takes a lot of hubris to think that your idea is going to live on and on, and I always love the idea of something just being contained and done."

Explaining the reason behind why he is not going to make the sequel for the robot romance film, Stanton points out on the working process of "Wall-E", "We work on these things for so long, that we have a hard time simply thinking that the [first] film is ever going to be done." The director of "Finding Nemo" further adds, "I'm not against sequels, and I've certainly experienced personally and seen secondhand great sequels, but I don't go in with that intent."

A 2008 computer-animated sci-fi/romance film from Pixar, "Wall-E" has become the studio's ninth consecutive movie to land #1 at the box office upon its release on June 26. Having collected so far $532.9 million worldwide, the animated film has won various awards, including the Best Animated Feature Film from the 66th Golden Globe Awards. It also received six nominations from the 81st Annual Academy Awards.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 5

I was half consicious when I woke up. I found out that I was compressed into a shape of square with the garbages. Then I found out that Eva was okay and I also found that Eva and I were about to be thrown out into the space. Then the cleaning bot came to the rescue and we were saved. Eva tried to fix me but she couldn't write the right part. I told her to stop and gave her the speciemen to get it to the captain. Then she took me upstairs to the place where the plant (speciemen) has to be placed so that the ship can goback to Earth. we tried getting there and while we were going there the captain told us to go there too. Then a ton of police bots came to stop us from getting there. Then Eva tried to gfight them and the broken bots who were following us helped us fight them back. After we had beaten every one of them we got close to the place where the captain had told us to go. When we got close to the hollow detecter to place the plant the ship had shifted to right. As the ship shifted toward the right the plant went out of Eva's hand and at the same time the hollow detecter went back down. I tried to stop it with all my might. Then she tried to get it over all the people that had fallen to the side of the ship. When she was trying to find it two massive objects fell from the floor that was above the place where there were a lot of people. And because of those objects the people were about to get squished. Then Eva saved them but she had hold on to the massive objects. Afterawhile the ship had been set to the riht angle. Then the cleaning bot had found the plant and passed it ot Eva with the help of broken bots and people. Then she had placed the plant to the hollow detecter and the ship started to go back toward Earth. When we got there Eva soar through the air to my home to fix me. When she got there she replaced most of my broken parts. Then I had been rebooted but I couldn't remember anything not even her. She tried to get my memory back. Then in the end when she was about to give I had my memory regained. Everybody was back to happiness.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 4

I watched secretely as he inspected her. Then a video came up. It was about going back to earth. Then he checked to see if there was the speciemen that came positive but it wasn't there. Then he said the speciemen was missing. Then they had spotted me. I greeted the captain right away after the auto pilot and captain spotted me. Eva and I were sent to the repair room. Then they took Eva to the a seperate room and locked me in a cage that was for robots. I watched as she was getting repaired but it looked more like getting dismantled wether than getting repaired. I tried to save her but befroe I could do that I had to get out of this cage. I shot the laser and the bottom if the cage and ran into the seperate room smashing the door. I took her arm that they took apart. Then I had accidently shot at the control system of the room and all the robots that was getting controlled by that system got shut down. Then the escapees carried me and started run away. As we were running we were stopped by the police bots in the middle of the hallway. I was sent to the front of the group. I got scared. Then Eva came and took the her arm back and as she was putting it back on the police bots took a picture of me and Eva. Now we were the ones who were evil. We ran to the escape pods. She tried to send me back home but I refused. Then the door opened and we hid. A police bot with the speciemen had Come in and threw the plant into the escape pod and systemed to self destruct. Then I ran to save the plant but when I got the plant the door had closed and the escape pod and I were sent off  to the space. I tried to get out of there before the escape pod self destructed. I got out of the escape pod just in time with a fire extingusiher in my hands. I saw Eva coming to rescue me. Then we got back inside to the directive room and Eva showed him the speciemen. I climb up to the directive's room by thclibing the trash shoot. When I was almost there the speciemen had landed on my head and when everybody in the directive room saw me they were all suprised. Then Eva tried to retrieve the specimen but the police bot stopped her. Then the auto pilot had tried to get the speciemen from me. When he couldn't get it from me he shocked me. I felt my energy was getting absorbed by the auto pilot. Then Eva and I were thrown into the trash shoot and the captain was sent to his room.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 3

I watched Eva(the white robot) as she stared at the lighter with curiosity. Then my hand went up to her hand but she tried to avoid it. Then I showed my plant and as she was scanning the plant, she became suprised and sucked the plant inside her body. At the same time the lights went out and the only thing flashing was the green light that was flashing on her body. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. I tried calling her again and she didn't bodge either. I spent the days with her "dead" body. One day, as I saw a rocket up in the sky. Then it had hit me. The rocket had came back for her. I drove as fast I could toward her. When I finally tried to reach her the  rocket had already taken but I still tried to chase after her by hanging on to the rocket's ladder that was on side of the rocket. It took me days to get to the base of the rocket. And I watched with amazement at the shuttle that was hanging out in the atmosphere. When I went inside the shuttle with the rocket all these robot arms were doing their jobs. I tried to save her but it was too late the other robots were taking to someplace else. I tried to chase them. When I got out of the former room a hallway appeared. It was filled with robots. I tried looking for her and I had found her and I tried cahsing her again. When I finally caught her she was in a room that had a elevator and secretery. We both went up the elevator then we landed  at the pilot's room. It was amazing then the pilot woke up and did his things and after that eh started inpect her.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wall-e Perspective 2

On my way back home from work, I found a strange crimson light. It was flashing on my doorstep. When I tried to touch it, it ran away from me. It was strange then I strated to chase after it. When I finally touched it, it was just plain light. Then I heard a weird sound that was getting louder as each second passed by. It hit me. I looked above me and a enormous rocket was above my head. I started freak out and started to drive around in circles on the place where the rocket was about to land. Then I suddenly thought that I dig up a hole and hide there. So I dug a hole in the ground as fast as I could then hid in it. Afterawhile the rocket had landed. Out of no where this thing that looked like a elevator came out of the rocket and spat out a robot. I think it was a she. I hid behind the rocket and I watched her. Then the rocket's engine had started up again and it started to soar up the sky as it was exhausting gas  out of the back. I followed behind her while she was working so she could not notice me. Then my friend cockraoch went up to her. As he was getting near her she had blasted the little creep and I thought he was dead. He cam out of the hole and greeted her. I started move toward just a little bit then I stepped on a crack and she noticed. Then she started blasting me with her blaster.  I started to dodge them. Then my friend cockroach stopped her and introduced her to me. After that I started follow her. Then she got mad because her work didn't work out very well. Then she got stuck to a magnet and she exploded and started blast the magnet and the ship with her blaster. The ship was on fire and fell to the side. As it fell it knoked down the other ships. It was  like a dominoe. As the ships fell like a dominoe I stood beside her. We started introducing our names to each other and I showed her my home because of a storm that came out of nowhere. I showed her all the cool things that I had.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Persepective of Wall-e

I am a robot that cleans up the earth. The people that used to live in earth has fled to outer space. I can clean up the earth by putting the trash into my body and compressing them into a shape of a perfect cube. My colleagues have been shut down. I spend most of my day cleaning up the earth. someimes I collect garbages that looks intersting to me. I have a favourite music video and i watch it ever day after work. I even listen to the music during working hours. Today i have made a new friend. I don't know his name but he is a cockroach. I found him when I was cleaning up the trash. He is quite jumpy like me. I have been here since the day I was made and I have never left the earth. I sometimes think about going into outer space. I am lonely.